
Google Goats Mow for It!

Baby goat face
Originally uploaded by indianponygal.

Google's Mountain View HQ has employed a herd of goats to keep their property neat and tidy.
From the Google Blog: "A herder brings about 200 goats and they spend roughly a week with us at Google, eating the grass and fertilizing at the same time. The goats are herded with the help of Jen, a border collie. It costs us about the same as mowing, and goats are a lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers."

Baby goats frolicking
Originally uploaded by Jess, Beemouse Labs.

Like the idea? These goats are for hire! Their employers say:
We currently have 800 environmentally friendly, self propelled weed eaters for weed control and brush control,
that are ready for your project.

You can contact them to come help you out here at California Grazing.

It's an Earth friendly and frolicky idea!