
Stray Pet's Birthday Celebration Sept 1!

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A birthday for stray pets, Cathy Nilbett

LIFE without a family means stray cats and dogs don't get much attention.
But the Lort Smith Animal Hospital, which re-homes thousands of stray animals each year, and the Animal Welfare League are hoping to change this with a Strays Birthday event.
The North Melbourne hospital is encouraging people to celebrate the birthday of stray pets on September 1 and hopes to raise $200,000 to help them continue re-homing and caring for stray pets.

"People who re-home strays don't have a birthday for their pet, but now they do," said Lort Smith Animal Hospital chief executive officer Ric Holland.
Mr Holland said pets improved the quality of life of their owners.

"Pets are vital to the community. We know pet owners live longer, are healthier and kids with pets do better at school," he said.
Photo: Lort Smith's animal management officer, Penny Meye, with two Jack Russell terriers seeking homes. PICTURE: Glenn Daniels

Read the article here. If you'd like to help, register at the Stray's Birthday Home Page!

And remember it's Cupcake Day for the Rutherford RSPCA! I love these ideas to help animals around the world and in your neighborhood :)

ellie and the cupcake
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