
Drowning Diver Saved by Beluga Whale

Mila the Beluga

More proof of the amazing nature of the creatures we share this earth with- we humans think we are such smarties and yet, Mila, the whale noticed the girl diver in trouble first. Luckily we don't have to wonder how long and at what price her safety it would have taken for one of us humans to notice, Mila didn't just happen to accidentally bump her, she swam to the rescue. Thank you Mila. I hope to be as good a human as you are a whale and always notice and come to help when I can :)

Mila the hero whale to the rescue (pic: Europics)

Amazing rescue: Drowning diver saved by beluga whale
A beluga whale in a Chinese aquarium has rescued a drowning diver by pushing her out of the water.

A spokesman for Harbin Polar Land in the country's north-east Heilongjiang province said the diver had been taking part in a competition at the aquarium when she began suffering sudden cramps in her legs. Entrants were required to dive into the 6-metre-deep cool pool without any breathing equipment. The person who dives the deepest and stays down for the longest time wins the competition.

Yang Yun, an applicant from a local Chinese Medicine College, dived to a depth of 4 metres on her first trial.
"Maybe I was too nervous, and my legs had sudden cramps," she explained. "I never dive into the water so deep and so cold. I was so nervous then.
"When I was choking with water and plummeting to the bottom, a sudden force pushed me out of the water," said Yang, who swam to the bank and was rescued by other competitors.
An activity organiser said the beluga, Mila, is very familiar with humans and she spotted the problem first.
"We didn't notice the problem until we saw Mila holding the diver's leg with her mouth and pushing her out of the water," said the organiser.
Yang Yun thanked the audience and Mila by diving into the tank again after making a full recovery.

Via Mirror UK
And more here!

(I am still at work on my project and since I am just one wee human I can't be all the places I want to at once but there is an end in sight then back to normal and with a nice thing to share in the future. I have wanted to "have something done" like this for a long time but just decided that to have it happen I would have to do it myself so that's what I am doing for better or worse, I am making it happen! Also Rick is saving my moments of "oh no it's ruined!" many times so he has been doing more than helping too! So thanks to everyone for understanding my awayness and it is just temporary. Hope you have been having wonderful summers or winters depending on what end of the planet you live. See you soon!)


On the Water over the Weekend :)

Pix from Rick out on our friend Joe's sailboat!
Recogize that wee Lighthouse? It's the real inspiration for the children's book, The Little Red Lighthouse and the Big Gray Bridge! Still there as proof even small things are important. :)


Liberty State Park, Earlier Today

I am still at work, on my project and other things...but it was a lovely day today :)
Thanks Rick! Hope everybody is having a wonderful weekend.


Around Williamsburg Brooklyn, LIC Right Now

Rick is out riding his bike and sending me these lovely pictures. I am home working on a special project at the moment so I am biking vicariously through him :) My project is a secret right now but time-consuming so I apologize for not being "around" much but it will be worth the time it's taking. Hope you are having a wonderful day! :)

Click for a bigger view


Precious Pug Pushes Poppets in Portland

Why does this almost make me want to cry? It's just so cute, look how she lets her toy babies get some splash on.. So sweet. Go for a walk right now... smile a lot about tiny cute things. You have plenty of time to grump about whatever it is you are grumping about when you get back :)

"Jenny the Pug pushes her Nintendog Pug dollies around Portland, Oregon. She leaves from our home, goes under the St Johns Bridge, visits Waterfront Park, Downtown Portland, Union Station, Pittock Mansion, Rose Gardens, the Grotto, and returns back home."


Spooky Saturday, In Love with a Fearful Thing

Ahh yes a terrifying thing of beauty.. watch in awe of nature just going about her business and freaking us tiny humans out..
Run darlings RUN

via Brian Carter's Twitterstream


Sunset, the Bridges, Brooklyn, this eve..

Thanks Rick!

Stealy McStealerpantz!

I am only guessing that's what this "Little Man's" name is :) He lulled them into a false sense of security.. then BAM! Plan in effect!

The cuteness of this guy should have tipped them off.. you can tell he works that cuteness for personal gain ;) Hope you are having a very gainful and ice creamy weekend :)


Happy Fourth! Red, White & Blue Dog

Red, White & Blue Dog Democrat
Originally uploaded by Visualist Images.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! :)


Aye Chee-wahwah! No Frog for you!

Seems to me someone is trying to get a certain sleepy head to jump up and play! Oh well nice try :)

Trailer.. Park.. Trailer Park!

It's so cute I want to pinch its metal and leafy cheeks. If you want something but don't have it doesn't mean you can't get it... Don't have a park? Fuggeddaboutit, make one! :)
Read all about it here!

Thanks Rick! :)

All Kindsa Cozy!

Everybody deserves a little knitty warmth... even snails! Read all about this fella here! So slimy cute!!!

Ahh he also looks dangerously delish! (I am sure he is thinking.. Say no to Escargot!!)
Eat this cupcake instead.. :)

Henri's Cupcakes
Originally uploaded by Phoebe Holworthy.

Thanks Amy! :)