
Brightened in the Dark

Brightened in the Dark
Originally uploaded by anacron.

Not my kitchen but reminded of what we did yesterday.. we had a fuse blow or something like that and all the lights went out! We were poppin' candles into everything that could hold a candle and it was actually very cute. Candles really do put off a bright comforting glow. We went out to dinner came back lit candles again and it wasn't that bad at all. Except my computer was off of course LOL. This morning everything was solved... So now I am catching up.. but I would recommend just using candles sometime it's very pretty and in this age of switched on lights it's easy to forget how nice they are!
Right now I am going to go switch all the lights off and light a few candles.. shh! :) Hey don't think I am crazy go try it yourself it is so pretty!